Alien 14 - An Out Of This World Puzzle Challenge!
Designer's Note: "Upon hearing of and looking into the UFO sightings and alleged crash in Rio De Janeiro Brazil in May of 2020, I went into meditation as I normally do (transcendental meditation). During my meditation when reaching what many call the "unifying field" or "omni-consciousness" I had a vision of a glowing square with 13 shapes within it, and an additional 14th shape just under it. I interpreted this as coming from an Alien origin and it felt like a form of communication portal/device, though I have no evidence of this. In either case, being a puzzle designer, I immediately sketched exactly what I remembered seeing and the "Alien 14" puzzle was born. This "puzzle" came to me as you see it, it was a gift, and now here it is for you. I hope you enjoy." - Alex T. Beresford
The Theme: 14 geometrical pieces of unknown origin and substance were said to have been found at the UFO crash site in Mage, Rio de Janeiro in 2020. Though the pieces have since mysteriously disappeared, a photograph revealed that 13 of those pieces generate a perfect square of nearly 5 inches. The purpose of the one extra piece is still unknown, perhaps used to throw off the curious.
It's suspected by some (with no evidence so far) that the square once completed facilitates contact with aliens as it creates a subconscious connection with the original source. However, scientific research does suggest that completing this challenging "puzzle" sharpens the subject's visual-spatial reasoning, boosts memory, and can lead the subject to cherished moments of mindfulness and relaxation.
* NOT For Children as some pieces are pointy!